Regional KidsFirst offers group and community-based child development programs that encourage linguistic, social-emotional, cognitive and fine and gross motor skill development. Regional KidsFirst is offered in rural communities and small cities.
Prince Albert Literacy Network supports literacy for both families and adults. Story Sacks are available as well.

Prince Albert Early Childhood Council is a committee that works in partnership to promote, advocate for, plan and implement regional early childhood development programs and services in Prince Albert and surrounding region.
The council shares information and creates an increased awareness among members and the community of early childhood issues, family support services and best practices.
Membership is voluntary and open to any agencies, individuals, or organizations interested in early childhood development. Meetings happen monthly in person. For more information email:
A FREE, confidential, 24/7 service that connects individuals to human services in the province by telephone, text, or web chat, plus a searchable website.
In addition to searching on the 211 Saskatchewan website, individuals can call 2-1-1, text 2-1-1 or go online to chat with trained professionals to help find and navigate services they need. This access to community, health and government services is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Over 175 languages, including 17 Indigenous languages, are available over the phone.
KidsFirst is a free, voluntary program, which assists families to become the best parents they can be. KidsFirst provides support and education to help you increase your knowledge of healthy early child development and attachment to your baby. The program provides support, and builds on family strengths through home visiting and links to other community based services.
Catholic Family Services of Prince Albert's goal is to enhance & strengthen the mental and emotional health of individuals & families in our community and surrounding area.
CFSPA provides counselling & support for individuals, couples and families. No one is ever denied service because of the economic situation. Fees for counselling is dependent on ability to pay.
Walk-in counseling is available at no cost.
The Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) is a province-wide network of community-based supports for the families of children aged 0 - 6 years that experience developmental delays or are at risk of delay.
Family Futures is a registered,non-profit agency dedicated to providing support serviced to pregnant women and their families.
The Saskatchewan Health Authority provides services to children with autism and their families. This includes home visits, recreational groups, therapeutic social groups, workshops, and support for children with a suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as those already diagnosed, and their families.
Public Health
Prenatal (Pregnancy Education)
Labour and Birth
Baby Care
Postnatal (after baby is born)
Offer follow up and support to families with a newborn infant.
Support and assist women to meet their breastfeeding goals.
Promote immunizations for infants according to the Ministry of Health Immunization schedule
Preschool Children/Families
Support and provide health information for families
School Services
Immunization as recommended by the Ministry of Health
Health education various topics
Screening and/or referrals for communicable diseases and other health concerns
Dental Sealants offered in Grade 1 and 7 to schools identified through provincial dental screening.
Recommended adult immunizations for school/occupational or general health
Influenza immunization clinics
Education, documentation and immunization for all ages
Notifying clients of reportable diseases
Educating clients about infectious diseases
Investigating animal bites
If you don't see what you are looking for, please call or stop into the centre so we can further assist you.

Links to Saskatchewan FRC Facebook pages